June 11, 2002

Flaws in the bible

What always confused me about God and the Bible is that I always thought God was an always forgiving, understanding, all-loving being. Does the Bible also not say that God forgives those of their sins? That humans are sinful beings and will break the commandments?

How can he punish those who grew up Jewish or Muslim - if he knew those people did no true wrong except do what was in the Bible already, such as obeying their parents to practice the religion that they have been brought up with?

Or how can someone help be homosexual? I see nothing wrong with it at all. I don't understand how other people can be against homosexuals in the first place. Does anything they do affect those people in any way? Why should they care what other people do with their lives if it has no negitive impact on their own?

How can God send anyone to hell in the first place? How could someone do that to a human being? To torture them for eternity for something that he already expected them to do?

The afore-mentioned conflicts have led me to believe that there is no God, but I can't really be sure since I've been brought up Christian, so today I remain agnositic.

needingalex at 12:50 p.m.

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