March 01, 2005

101 facts about myself

I orginally made this list about years ago, but i've been rewriting it about once a year. here's the most current update.


1. I'm a huge movie buff, a few of my many favorites are Frida, Secretary, Collateral, Garden State, and American Beauty.

2. Organized religion scares me. Me, I'm agnostic.

3. I really, really hate homophobia, sexism, and prejudice.

4. I cry during movies and tv shows all the time. I'm a very sensitive person.

5. If reincarnation exists, I've got that feeling that I've been around the block quite a few times.

6. I'm really thin, and i used to hate it, but now i couldn't be happier about my body.

7. I used to be a really dorky kid. My "awkward" stage lasted from 4th grade until the middle of high school. I finally grew into myself in my junior year.

8. I have several pets who are very dear to me. I have two rats (Juliette and Beatrice), a cockatiel (Sammy), two treefrogs (Lucky and Mucky) a hamster (Ruby) and a cat (Jake).

9. I lost my virginity at age 16.

10. I used to hate my name, but when I got older I grew to like it.

11. I don't feel like I have any real friends, although I've had them before, and lost them.

12. I've been in love once.

13. I consider myself to be bisexual. i'm definately attracted to guys and wouldn't get into a relationship with a girl (at least not again) but i do have same sex lust on occasion.

14. being sick is never a vacation for me. throwing up is one of the things i avoid at all costs. i just hate it so much. usually when i feel sick and think i'll vomit, i hold it down. for hours.

15. I'm open-minded.

16. I only eat the purple candy hearts.

17. If I could become a vegetarian, I would. But meat is just too delicious to give up.

18. I really love chocolate.

19. I practically live off of Vitamin Water. I love it!

20. My middle name was originally "Jane", but after about a day my mother insisted on changing my middle name to "Alexandria" because she hated the name Jane. After I got my first job, I had to get it officially changed because my mother never got around to it.

21. I hate having to go to the bathroom. It's such an inconvenience.

22. I HATE cold weather. Hence, I love summer and I plan on living somewhere that it's warm year round.

23. I'm not proud of this, but I must say that I love television. Friends, Futurama, Family Guy, ER, and Law and Order: SVU are just a few of my favorites.

24. I've never taken illegal drugs, or been drunk. When I get stressed I will "fake" smoke a few cigarettes.

25. All kids decide to do something with their lives career-wise but then they change their minds. Throughout my life, I have aspired to be a brain surgeon, a marine biologist, an actress, a police officer, an FBI agent, a writer, detective and an occupational therapist. after getting a job at Petsmart, i've discovered my passion and am going to school to become a veterinary technician.

26. i guess i look like the type of girl who would be a straight A student b/c that's what everyone assumes. in reality, i was a horrible student and graduated high school with a 2.1 gpa.

27. The best year of my life so far was the year I was 16.

28. I am the worst math student. I've failed at least two quarters of a school year in whatever math class I've taken since fourth grade.

29. I love fireworks and i try to go to as many shows as i can during july 4th.

30. I medicate myself on a daily basis.

31. I love going out to eat.

32. I feel incredibly lonely; I wish I had a close girl friend. i haven't had one in a loooong time.

33. I've been intimite with two people.

34. I guess you could say that I'm a pretty jealous person. but at least I'm aware of that so I can warn people before they get involved in a relationship with me.

35. I also have a really bad temper. I'm working on keeping it under control, for my own sake, since I tend to put holes in my walls and break my stuff when I get really mad.

36. I work at a petstore, and I love my job more than I ever thought I would.

37. I taught myself how to raise one eyebrow and flare my nostrils. I can also blow bubbles with gum and whistle. I CAN'T touch my tongue to my nose or curl my tongue or roll my R's the way you do in Spanish. In fact, that's the reason I didn't take Spanish in high school. I took French instead. Four years of french and I can barely string together a intelligable sentance.

38. I love sneezing. It just feels good!

39. I love taking hot showers. I don't think I could ever take one shorter than ten minutes.

40. I plan on having only one child of my own. And if that goes well, I think I�ll probably adopt a second.

41. I wish I had the freedom and money to travel around the world.

42. I went to modeling school when I was 14. It wasn't so much of a modeling school as it was finishing school. Frankly, it was a waste of about 1,000 dollars. I didn�t learn anything useful there that I can remember.

43. I think money really can buy happiness. BUT it's not the only way to be happy.

44. i like to make lists. if i have trouble sleeping or i'm bored, i'll write down all the girl names i can think of. or all the fish that we carry in our store. it's fun.

45. My parents were very good at raising me when I was young. They made sure to let me learn and try everything I would want to. I've taken ballet lessons, swimming lessons, guitar lessons, gone to "modeling" school, girl scouts, medical camp, and Lutheran summer camp, and was always in day camps in the summer. Unfortunately, I only remember how to swim, that cow hearts are big and girl scout cookies kick ass.

46. That reminds me that I really, really regret quitting ballet. But then again I was four years old when I started�but I know that if I would have stuck with it I would be a professional ballet dancer or something by now. i've got the perfect body for a ballet dancer. Damn.

47. Every summer since I was thirteen, I've wanted to write a novel. I've never gotten around to it. It's a lot harder than you might think.

48. I'm more of a late owl than I am an early bird. I usually stay up until midnight or one on weekends, and if I don't have to get up for anything, I'll sleep for eleven or twelve hours. I've been known to sleep in until 5 although i always regret it when i do sleep in.

49. it took me a very long time to realize how beautiful i am. i still have to work at remembering that too.

50. My heritage is mostly German and though my family isn't Jewish, my grandmother and her family were put in concentration camps in World War II. When my grandmother was 17, she was in Auschwitz. She was the only person in her family to survive. On my fathers side, I get a small percentage of English, Irish and Scottish blood in me.

51. I hate it when other people hate me.

52. Male guppies are my favorite fish.

53. I had the chicken pox when I was 16 years old.

54. I feel like I have no special talents. Some days I'm more upset about that than others. I guess it's too depressing to think about.

55. My favorite artists are Picasso and Frida Kahlo.

56. My birthday is August 11.

57. I don�t like the shape of my fingernails. They�re too wide.

58. I have eczema. I'm just lucky it's not really bad, but I'm going to have it for the rest of my life. Usually I only get it in the middle of my arms and the back of my knees during the winter.

59. I feel really bad for prostitues. I can�t image that they like doing what they do.

60. I like flowers, but I don�t like gardening. I guess if I'm ever going to have flowers at my house I'll have to be rich enough to pay someone to do all the work for me.

61. My favorite animal is the octopus. They're cute and smart and incredibly fascinating. I plan on owning one some day.

62. I'm big on quotes. I love them, and they've really helped me a lot.

63. I'm pro-choice.

64. I hated high school.

65. My ultimate dream is to become a famous actress.

66. I have above average intelligence. My IQ is around 117, but nonetheless, I'd like to be smarter. I'm beautiful but I wouldn't mind being even more so. The grass is always greener�

67. I don't consider myself to be a superstitious person at all, but I do partake in one ritual, and that's knocking on wood. I have no idea why I do it, I just feel a compulsion to do it sometimes.

68. I used to love riding my bike. My 14th summer was spent riding around my development from dawn until dusk.

69. One of my goals in life is to undo people's fear or disgust of rats. frankly, hamsters are more evil than rats are, hands down.

70. I just don't get how all those high school jocks can be so homophobic but go around smacking each others asses. I think maybe it's one of those great mysteries of the universe.

71. One of these days I'd like to be hypnotized. I wonder if it really works. If it does, I wonder what secrets would be revealed from my subconscious.

72. Whenever I tell anyone that I like books I feel like a dork, so I try to keep it hidden that I like to read.

73. I've always wanted to go on a cruise to Bahamas. One of these days I actually will. I just hope I don't get seasick.

74. I'm very good at recognizing people's problems, as far as psychology goes. it's just all very obvious to me and that's why i had wanted to be a therapist. but i realized that most of the time i love animals more than i love people.

75. I used to be a total neat-freak, but now I'm a bit of a slob.

76. I hate smoking. It's such a bad, stupid habit.

77. I think Canada is suspicious. I never want to go to Canada. I don't see why I'd need to either.

78. I'm addicted to soda.

79. I've never had a cavity in my entire life. Pathetically, I'm really proud of that. But then again, it's more of a challenge for me since I'm addicted to soda.

80. If I could have three wishes, I think I know what I'd wish for. First, I'd wish for the ability to learn really well, better than I can now. Second, I'd wish for an amazing singing voice, just because I love to sing but I'm not very good. And lastly, I'd wish that I were rich. (Who wouldn't?)

81. I like my handwriting. I've always had really good handwriting, and I've gotten lots of compliments on it. Throughout my life, if I ever saw someone else's handwriting that I liked, I'd eventually teach myself to copy it perfectly. My current handwriting, though, is finally my official niche, copied from no one.

82. I hate being really tired. It's actually painful.

83. I'm really bad at telling jokes, and if I'm ever funny, it's usually unintentional.

84. I can always say that I've been in love. (and i am right now) Two years ago if you told me that I would have that opportunity, I would have laughed bitterly in your face and told you to go thumb your ass. Luckily, no one ever thought that I'd be in this situation either, or else I might have one or two more enemies today than I already do.

85. I have moles in the weirdest places. I have one on my lip, another between my toes, one next to my�baby making area, and I had one in the corner of my eye, which I had removed. I went to the doctor and he put a needle in my eye to numb it. It wasn't nearly as bad as going to the dentist if you ask me.

86. My family is not wealthy, so I've never traveled a lot and I feel deprived. In my whole life, I've visited Washington DC, Seattle, New York City (for one day with STAND), Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Northern West Virginia, in the sticks.

87. I like scary movies.

88. I know what it feels like to be heart-broken. And I know what it feels like to be truly miserable. No one can tell me otherwise.

89. I love comic books. And by comic books I mean comic strip books. Dilbert, Calvin and Hobbes and Foxtrot are the ones I read.

90. I bring food and drink with me in the shower a lot.

91. I had a hamster named cougar. he was the best little guy. he got sick earlier this year and my mom and i loved him so much that we spent 300 dollars on vet bills for the little fluffball. unfortunately, in the end he had to be put to sleep.

92. I read erotic fiction.

93. I've been officially diagnosed with depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder and obsessive compulsive tendencies. I personally think the ADD thing is crap though.

94. My favorite clothing stores are delias, gadzooks and urban outfitters.

95. I'm a city girl.

96. My first kiss was in fourth grade. I had a crush on this really nerdy kid named Joey, and I was very�straight forward, I guess? I used to chase him around at recess and then I'd drag him off to the concrete tunnels on the west side of the playground and I'd MAKE him kiss me on the lips. His mom would call up my mom and tell her to keep me away from him. Ha ha.

97. I love cherry Icees.

98. I read true cime books a lot.

99. There isn�t a single animal that I don�t like.

100. I've never worn pants without underwear.

101. And lastly, I hate peas. I like corn though.

needingalex at 7:06 p.m.

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