November 15, 2007

no longer past

i haven't written in here in, well, a LONG time. what seems like a long time.
i've been sitting here for about a half hour re-reading some of my past entries. it's amazing to realize how much i've changed these past five, (nearly six!) years, and, in other ways, how i'm exactly the same!
i do miss having an outlet and i don't write much anymore.
i could spend hours writing about what is different in my life now than the last time i wrote, but i doubt anyone cares.
i certainly can't complain. well, i probably could, but i won't. i don't need to.
i have an amazing boyfriend, a great apartment, a good job, and i KNOW deep down that i'm going to continue to become a better, stronger, and wiser person in time.
i hope i can come back and read this, too, in five years. i don't ever want to lose my past, because it makes you who you are today.


check me out on myspace. (i know! i'm ashamed! fucking myspace.)

Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

needingalex at 2:45 a.m.

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