September 16, 2004

i think i can

i'm in one of those i-can't-achieve-shit moods again. except it feels so much worse bow than ever before because a whole new factor has been thrown in. Debt.

Oh, and don't forget that i've been skipping class for weeks now and i might fail all my courses now. also, my room is a mess and i think my fish has a tumor.

i spent five dollars on candy bars today despite the aforementioned debt yet i did manage to avoid drinking soda all day...and yet, i'm not proud of myself.

i'd be proud if i wrote a novel.
did volunteer work.
painted a portrait.
photographed the world.
learned something new.

well, now that i think about it, i did learn something new today. i have learned that being a failure is NOT something i want to be. i have GOT to get my litte tight ass in gear.

for once, will wake up before noon and actually DO something. Oh, I also learned how god damned lazy i really am.

aw well, i'm young and i can always make things better. so i can either smile, or kill myself.

i think i'll opt for the smiling thing.

needingalex at 1:02 a.m.

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