November 21, 2006


1. When is the last time you held hands with someone?
it's been several weeks...

2. You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you would do?
say "ewww!", and freak out.

3. Have you ever crawled through a window?
once or twice i'm sure

4. Where is your mom?
playing with the rabbit

5. Morning or night person?
night person

6. What was the last movie you watched?
the wedding singer

7. Favorite number?

8. Any cool scars?
one on my arm that was self-inflicted. a few chicken-pox scars (i had it when i was 16), and a few other various...

9. Things about the opposite sex you notice first?
the way they're dressed and smile

10. What do you do when no one is watching?

11. Ever been in love?
yes. once.

12. What's something your friends make fun of you for?
making odd comments, if my voice gets high-pitched, and me being quirky in general.

13. What is your curfew?
don't have a curfew...but i'm usually home around midnight. unless i'm working until midnight or 1.

14. do you talk a lot?
yes. but i listen a lot too.

15. You + alcohol =
wouldn't know. i think i just get a little wobbly.

16. What's your worst personality flaw?
i over-analyze things. i procrastinate. i tend to lie. and i'm impatient.

17. Would you marry for money?
sure, if i was in love with that person.

18. Could you live without a computer?

19. If you could live in any past time period, where would it be?
i think everyone likes where they're at, because any other time period is too scary. i'll stay here thanks.

20. Do you drink enough water?

21. Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'em off?

22.What is your favorite fruit?
raspberries, strawberries, and watermelon

23. What is your favorite place to visit?
don't know yet...

24. Are you photogenic?
absolutely not. and you know why? because i have a small head!

25. Do you dream in colored or black and white?
always color.

26. Why do you take surveys?
boredom and the hope that someone will actually read it and i'll make a friend.

27. Do you drink alcohol?

28. What is the most beautiful language?

29. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep?
of course. i like being kissed anywhere, anytime.

30. What do you like most; sunrise or sunset?
usually sunset. but it's so early these days that the sunset bums me out.

31. Do you want to live till 100 yrs?

32. Is a flat stomach important to you?
not really. but if i didn't have one it might be more so.

33. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights switched on or off?
dim light

34. Do you believe in magic?

35. Do you like to watch cartoons?
i like the simpsons, family guy and futurama. so i like adult cartoons i guess.

36. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real?
i was about 11 i think. my mom told me that there might not be a lot of gifts this year because santa didn't have a lot of money. i knew then. and i was sad.

37. Do you write poems?

38. Do you snort?

39. You sleep more on your back, front, or sides?

40. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
large poode. no stupid haircut.

41. Are you basically a happy person?
basically. i guess.

42. Are you tired?
not right now.

43. Did you drink anything with caffeine today?
i had a sample cup of coffee at work.

44. How many landline/cellphones do you have in your home?
one of each.

45. Do you get along with your parents?

46. Do you like/love anyone now?
i like. and love. but i'm not in love with anyone.

47. What do you do when you're sad?
cry, sleep, and think way too much.

48. What do you need most now?
a kiss.

49. What song are you listening to now?
none. i'm watching law and order.

50. What are you craving for now?
a soda.

needingalex at 11:27 p.m.

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